Membership has its Rewards
One of Toronto’s oldest non-profit wine tasting clubs offering members unique, affordable, fine wine tastings from our extensive cellar.

In our World, Old is Fabulous.

Who We Are…

We are one of the Greater Toronto Area’s oldest non-profit wine clubs offering members unrivaled tastings. We keep our own cellar which not only gives us a unique selection of properly aged wines to support our tastings but also lets us offer tastings at a very reasonable cost to members, as we do not have to bear the full burden of current market prices.
Our events also provide a chance for you to network with other wine enthusiasts and collectors – some of our events begin with a reception, and there is always a discussion of the wines. In addition, we also hold a couple of wine dinners each year. The club provides an opportunity to learn more about wine from various wine professionals who lead our tastings. It is generally recognized that wine-tasting clubs are a great way to learn at a reasonable cost.

February 2025:
2005 Sauternes - Sweet Wines in their Prime
(SECOND SEATING - March 5, 2025)

The 2005 Sauternes vintage is considered one of the standout vintages of the early 21st century for this renowned sweet wine region. This vintage is celebrated for its exceptional quality, combining ripe fruit, botrytis complexity, and long-term aging potential. And, age we did. At 20 years old, come taste these excellent wines in their prime.

3 Sauterne wines paired with savory canapés. Croissant and champagne to refresh your palette. 3 Sauterne wines paired with sweet canapés. Port and dessert.

We cannot accommodate any allergies.

Location: Le Genie Bakery, 382 Yonge Street, Yonge/Gerrard (South of College Station). Access from North side of Aura Building.
Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Registration: 7 pm
Tasting dinner: 7:15 pm
Cost: $145 including HST & tips

Members of Toronto Winetasters pay $145 w/HST; First guest of Toronto Winetasters Members pays $145 w/HST.

This is a Winetasters members-only event.

Due to popular demand – we have opened a second seating. This is already 90% sold out. Register early!

Our Extensive Cellar

Fortunately, our Winetasters know that the wine only gets better with age and our cellar is resting nicely, waiting to re-emerge for us.
In the meantime, our buying committee has put a tremendous amount of work into planning 10 years’ worth of tastings! They have studied our 3000+ cellar thoroughly and made an enticing 10-year plan for most of our wines.

You can see more of our 10-year plan. It was developed a little while ago and we are in the process of fine-tuning it.

Membership & Events

We do hope that you consider joining or maintaining your membership with us. This helps cover costs associated with storing the wine and operating expenses. Membership also entitles you to a coupon to bring a guest to an event at member price – a great way to introduce someone to the club.
For information about subscriptions and coupons and to renew your membership.
We plan to host all of our events on our usual dates, which are the last Wednesday of every month, so please block your calendars now.
As things get back to normal post-COVID, we hope you will continue your membership with us. We all look forward to being able to meet again and share our love of wine as we always have. We also welcome any input on our program, etc.
Stay safe and stay sane!

Your Winetasters Board