Silver Oak Cabernet

(Sep. 14, 2011) — Winetaster’s executive committee wanted to begin the 2011-2012 tasting season with a BANG and what better way than to offer our members a HUGE Cabernet vintage sampling from California! Those of you who attended our fall dinner last year at REDS will remember the explosive feature wine from Buccella. We are thrilled to have put together a mixed vintage tasting from the prestigious Silver Oak Cellars spanning 1½ decades of exemplary vintages.

Silver Oak has been producing award-winning wines since 1972 when the original owners Raymond Twomey Duncan and Justin Meyer partnered and built Silver Oak Cellars. The original wines were created from grapes harvested from their vineyard in the Alexander Valley from 1972 to 1979. Harvesting at the Napa Valley site began at this point and the Bordeaux blend was born. Although they produced three more labels into the eighties, their most successful are the Napa and Alexander Valley wines. The Napa is a Bordeaux-style blend consisting primarily of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot while the Alexander Valley is 100% Cabernet Sauvignon.

Justin was Wine Master from 1972 until 2000 when he sold his interest to the Duncan family. The present Wine Master, Daniel H. Baron was groomed by Justin through the late 90’s and took over Justin’s role in 2000. Our line-up for this tasting includes vintages not only from both vineyards but from both Wine Masters. Will you be able to determine the subtle differences in wines produced by Justin versus those produced by Daniel? Will you be able to distinguish between the Napa wines and the Alexander Valley wines?

We are pleased to offer the 1992, 1997, 1998 and 2001 vintages from Napa Valley to compare to the 1994, 1995, 1997 and 2001 vintages from Alexander Valley. These wines should still hold their dark ruby colour and have plenty of bouquet left to stimulate the senses. California Cabs have always been noted as big and bold, and the better houses elegant and complex but which ones will stand the test of time? California Cabernet grapes thrive on both sides of the exterior mountain range with diverse soils, exceptional climate and long vine ripening. Volcanic, loam and gravel soil will vary depending on vineyard location. The temperatures are typically warm to hot, moderated with cooling from fog rolling up the valley floors in the evenings to suspend grapes, assisted by typically dry days throughout the summer and fall. These factors make exceptionally flavourful wines. On the palate you may find plum, roast coffee, blueberry, varied jams, vanillas and floral notes. The wines are long with subtle tannins and a little dust in the early years. Vintages vary in longevity and as always some years have weathered longer but in general Napa lasts a minimum of 20 up to 30 years. The Alexander lifespan seems to be slightly shorter, from 15 to 20 years.

Join us for a memorable evening of California Cabs from an exceptional house! We look forward to a great season!

As always with our tastings, this event will be strictly non-smoking, and we request your cooperation in not wearing any scented after-shave or perfume.

Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 North York Memorial Community Hall
Time: 6:30 p.m. 5110 Yonge St. (under library)
Limit: 122 people North York Centre Subway
Members: $81 Guests: $97

Cancellations accepted up to September 9, 2011. See the event form for cancellation contact details. No confirmations will be issued — you will be contacted only if we are sold out. First come basis. Non-members may attend at guest rates, but preference will be given to members.

Download the event form if you wish to mail in your reservation cheque.


Attention All Members
At the first tasting of our 2011/2012 season we will be holding our elections for this year’s Board of Directors.

The following members of WINETASTERS have agreed to stand for election and ask for your support:

Peter Curran
Steven Elphick
Richard Flack
Alan Gardner (Chair)
David Hutchison
Michael Johnston
Charles Orchard
Walter Pylypczuk
Peter Woods
This allows us an nine-member Board of Directors for this year in accordance with our club by-laws.

If there are any other members wishing to stand for election, they must be nominated by an existing member and present themselves before September 1, 2010.
